Thursday, March 28, 2013

Go Green!

Imagination Theater's Go Green!

All of Imagination Theater's participatory programs improve communities and enhance public health by empowering audiences as agents of change.

When I started with Imagination Theater as an actor, I was drawn to our shows' simple message that actions have consequences.  This message encouraged audience members to think before they act and positively affect their community.

The success of Imagination Theater's mission inspired me; however, it also posed a challenge.  I wondered, how can our format encourage positive choices when the benefit of those choices is not readily perceptible?

To answer that question, I extended Imagination Theater's mission to a social issue that is often overwhelming in its complexity: environmental stewardship.

Simple choices, like reusing a cup, turning off a light, or recycling a newspaper, make a difference for the environment that is not felt right away (and is sometimes never experienced by the individuals that make those choices).  Just the same, those actions are immeasurably beneficial for plants, animals, and humans alike.

Go Green celebrates the small steps that every student can take.  It reveals how we are connected to our world, and how by respecting the environment we respect ourselves.

The first performances of Go Green in Chicago were a huge success!  Through humor and interaction, audience members took pride in taking shorter showers, recycling, and reducing needless packaging.  They discovered ways to support the earth and learned the value of a positive choice that is not promptly rewarded.

I am tremendously proud of this performance, and I am glad that Imagination Theater offers it as a way to celebrate Earth Day!

To book a performance, e-mail!

As always, you can find more information about all of Imagination Theater's programs at

—Jeremy Schaefer

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Inspiration & The Development of New Shows

I recently attended Write Now 2013 in Tempe, Arizona.  The weekend was dedicated to new works and the future of theater for young audiences.

It was joyous to see that the greater community of theater artists working to create meaningful experiences for young people is motivated by the deepest respect for our audiences.  The young people that come to our theater's deserve the best possible performances; the parents and teachers attending our shows deserve content the aids and supports their children as their unique perspective of the world emerges. 

Those shared values, along with the overall spirit of collaboration that reverberated throughout the weekend's events, was inspiring.

While those discussions of values, community, and our commitment to our audiences unraveled, Imagination Theater was busy reaching out to the schools we serve for thoughts about our newest show in development right now.

We want to create a show that addresses the topics that are most essential to our audiences.  With that goal in mind, the development process begins by creating a menu.  We want to know what issues interest you, what scenarios you deal with, where your community needs the support that Imagination Theater might provide.

Your ideas will eventually coalesce into a buffet of scenes, from which each school may select the ones of greatest benefit to their students.  Please let us know what you would like to see on the menu by filling out this (very short) survey.  If you have more to say, or more detailed suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments of this post.

As always, you can visit to see all the shows we currently offer.

— Jeremy Schaefer